Dry hair: How to fix it? What's the best hydration?

Dry hair: How to fix it? What's the best hydration?

Dry hair is the number one enemy of women, characterized by excessive volume, frizz, damaged and brittle strands, split ends, and lack of shine.

In this article, we attempt to provide answers to all these questions:

The causes of hair dryness are varied, influenced by chemical, environmental, and mechanical factors. Because their outer layer is more fragile, hair strands can easily open up, exposing them to external factors such as pollution, sunlight, and chemical processes, which further damage hair health.

However, it's important to differentiate between dry and dry hair. Dry hair is a typical quality of strands that don't need to be washed every day, are more rebellious in terms of shape, and have more volume.

On the other hand, dry hair becomes this way due to transformations caused by wear and tear on the strands, with its natural characteristic potentially being oily or combination. In other words, dry hair is an acquired condition and not a natural quality of hair.

How to keep hair hydrated?
What are the negative and positive aspects?

To keep hair hydrated, it's necessary to follow a hair care schedule that will assist you in the at-home treatment of your strands. This will allow dry hair to retain water within its structure, improving its appearance and overall health.

For each hair type, there's a specific way to care for it. If you have curly hair and it's dry, it's important to avoid heat styling tools that can damage the strands, take a break from hair dyes to let your hair "breathe," and perform deep conditioning treatments regularly.

If you're blonde and experiencing dryness, which is common, you should avoid hot showers as they further damage hair health, be cautious with the use of flat irons and hair dryers, and it's crucial to use a good hydrating hair mask. In addition to hydrating, it's important to protect your hair with heat protectants.

If you're a man facing this type of problem, here are some tips: don't wash your hair every day, be careful with hot showers that open the hair cuticles and make the hair appear dull, and use products specifically tailored to your hair type.

The hair care schedule is designed to restore dry hair and should be performed once every 14 days. If your hair is extremely damaged, this step should be done once a week.

Within this schedule, there are stages such as hydration, which is one of the key steps in restoring hair health, nutrition that will restore the natural oiliness of the strands, and also reconstruction that will restore the lost hair mass due to chemical processes they undergo.

The product used for hair hydration should be rich in moisturizing components such as glycerin, which has humectant properties, as well as vegetable oils that restore the health and softness of the strands.

Some options for hydrating dry hair are of natural origin, such as oils that restore shine and vitality to the strands. Here are some examples of products that can be used for hydration:

Coconut oil

Contains fat and vitamin E which, besides hydrating, restore the shine and natural oiliness of the hair. How to use: Take the oil and apply it to damp hair, section by section, letting it sit for 20 minutes before washing it normally. For best results, use this method three times a week.

Argan oil

It helps control frizz and restores the hair's shine and softness. How to use: Apply the oil to wet hair and let it sit for 20 minutes before washing it out.

Other products of extreme importance in hydrating the hair, besides the traditional cream, are indispensable when it comes to bringing shine, softness, and keeping frizz away from the hair:


In addition to restoring the hair, the serum will help protect the strands from daily external factors. Rich in nutrients, it ensures the resistance and health of the hair, often being much more potent than the oils themselves.

Hydration mask

This product serves to enhance the effects of nutrients on the hair. It should be used right after shampooing, applying the product strand by strand and leaving it on for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the product.

Dry hair: What do I need to know?

Dry hair is nothing more than a condition in which the strands are fragile, damaged, brittle, and with split ends.

This situation is caused by external factors that harm the health of the strands. Excessive use of chemicals and exposure to heat from blow dryers, flat irons, and styling products contribute to dryness.

To restore the beauty and health of your locks, it's essential to provide proper hydration so that nutrients return to the hair strands, bringing back their shine and softness.

Moisturizing creams and masks, oils, serums, and leave-in conditioners are products that can help you regain the beauty and health of your hair. With these tips, you can effectively recover your strands!

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